Sunday, April 18, 2010


This is what I read earlier today,

According to an EXTREMELY RELIABLE insider, Reggie and Kim were on the road to getting married. Reggie even went so far as buying her a ring, and was waiting for the right time and place to pop the question.

Well one day, Reggie was using Kim's laptop when all of a sudden some IMs came over . . . from Kanye WEST!!!. And Reggie played it cool and answered them like he was Kim. And come to find out that Kanye and Kim were GETTING IT POPPIN for many months - ALL BEHIND REGGIE'S BACK!!

The insider said that Reggie confronted Kim about the text messages, and she ADMITTED to having the affair. Once Reggie heard that . . . he LEFT HER AZZ!!!

Kim is a player!

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